Training services
Resources invested on acquisition of state-of-the-art
technologies are meaningless unless the specific objective
of the data requirement is met. At Aridus, we believe that to
improve the quality of data collection and enhance optimum use
of products acquired through us, robust training programs must be
offered to meet these needs. With our partners, our training is focused
on best protocol for data collection, analysis, and monitoring. The key
training areas where we are able to provide knowledge transfer are in the following:
Equipment handling, data collection and theoretical modules in;
Soil/Ground Water – monitoring wells (hydrology, construction & location), drilling
techniques, monitoring well types, groundwater flow & isocurves, groundwater & soil
moisture sampling, groundwater quality measurements
Water – surface and waste water sampling, redox and dissolved oxygen measurements, discharge and flow measurements.
Soils – classification, sampling, moisture measurements, infiltration & hydraulic conductivity measurements, lab equipment, resistance measurements, quality evaluation, land conservation
Earth Monitoring – Agro meteorological station, Diver© Office, e - SENSE®, basic GIS